Thursday, October 29, 2009


I decided to research into CD covers which i own, so that i can analyse them closer by deconstructing them.
Example 1: Jason Mraz - We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things.

To the left is the front of the CD cover, with the main image. The image is very simple, possibly drawn by a child, with appropriate informal text to match. This simplistic, childish look reflects the genre of the music well, as it is very fun and relaxed. The case of the CD is standard clear plastic, in a rectangular shape, and opens like a book. There is also a sticker on the front, for further promotion of the CD.

To the right is the back of the CD case. As you can see, the text matches the front cover of the CD case, so that it can be recognised as relevant. It is a very simplistic design, with no pictures and a plain white background, with the title of the tracks in order of the playlist. Conventions to note are the track names, the barcode, the legal information, and the producing labels.

Above is the inside of the CD case. This again is very simplistic, as it has the back of the booklet for the cover of the CD case on the left, which consists of the name of the manager and information, along with more legal information. The CD holster itself is a black translucent plastic, however goes well with the black and white design of the entire case.

Example 2: Take That - The Circus

To the left is the front of the CD cover. It differs in many ways from the previous example, as it is considerably fuller in the sence that the entire page is covered in colour. The image depicts the 4 band members preforming a trapeze act which is appropriate as the album is called the circus. The background has been edited in as a blue sky, and all the band members are wearing blue cloathing, which is a thematic colour of this album. The text is very simple a the top, small but recognisable, and central on the page.

The back of the album cover (to the right) has the same background image of clouds as the front cover. This image is continuous all the way round the album sides, so that the sides match the rest of the cover. The text is again central and the font is the same style and colour as the front cover, and has the infomation in small print at the bottom, simular to the previous example. The barcode for this album was stuck on.

Above is the inside cover. the image is again a blue sky, with the top of a circus tent on the right. The image again appears continuous on the two images, giving a together feel. There is a small logo in the center of the page on the left, which is the "Take That" logo. Unlike the previous example, this case has gone for a more complex design, with a clear, see-through plastic, so that an inside design can be seen.