Friday, September 11, 2009


The target audience for a music video varies as to the target audience of the song itself. For example, if the song was of a 'Dance Music' genre, than the music video would attempt to appeal to the audience who listened to the genre, which would assumable be people who enjoy clubbing, raving and up-beat, high-tempo sounds. The music video would therefore most likely be people dancing, possibly at a night club or an arrange professionally choreographed dance, possibly sped up and with a lot of cuts to appeal to the target audiences' desire for adrenaline.

To understand the target audience for my music video, i am going to create a questionnaire which I will get 60 people of equal age groups and gender to answer. The questionnaire will reveal who the target audience is for my song and what genre the music video should be.

Below is the Questionnaire:-


Thank you for participating in this questionnaire. Your answers will be used for research purposes only, and shall remain disclosed from any other individual. Your name will remain anonymous for the questionnaire.

Please answer the following questions below by circling the appropriate answer:

1. What gender are you?

  • Male

  • Female
2. What age are you?
  • 0 to 9

  • 10 to 19

  • 20 to 29

  • 30 to 39

  • 40 to 59

  • 60+
I am now going to play you the song "Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky".
Once the track has finished, please answer the following questions:
3. Did you enjoy the song/ does the song appeal to you?

  • Yes

  • No
4. Which of the following would you like to see in the music video for this song?

  • Live Performance - A completely live performance of the song, with a complete band in a studio, or other location.
  • Mixed Live/Story - Half a live performance with a story line mixed in, played by a cast of actors.
  • Story Line - A complete story line performance by a cast of actors
  • Singer Story - A lead singer preforming a story line whilst singing.
  • Fun Video - A structured mess about by character(s) with a very loose story line.
  • Other (please specify below).
Thank you for participating in this questionnaire, your help is greatly appreciated.
Fortunately i managed to find an equal number of people for both gender groups (30 each) and age groups (10 each). After collecting all the results in from the questionnaires, i compiled the data into a Microsoft Excel document in tables, and then converted my tables into charts, to get a better visual understanding of the results. The first table shows the results to Question 3 in the form of a bar graph:
As the bar graph shows, the results indicate that there is little difference of oppinion between males and females in terms of the songs appeal, as the results only vary by 3 people. This indicates that my target audience is both genders.

The next bar graph shows the results for the same question, however this time compairing it to the age catergories:

As the graph shows, once again there is no massive distinction between the age catergories, which the possible exception of the 60 + and 0 to 9 groups, who still managed to maintain a majority (or equil) number of yes. This suggests that again the song does not appeal to any one age catergory, but many. The biggest suprise from the results was the teenage catergory (aged 10 to 19) which i would have assumed being the MTV generation would have dislike the "vintage" genre of the song, however teenagers today are more and more bring back "retro" fashions, such as music and clothing, so it is understandible that this type fo song has appeal to teenagers.
I then took the results of question 4 only from those who answered yes, as they are the people who i am trying to please with the music video. The results are shown in a pie chart below:

As you can see from the above chart, the two most popular ideas for the music video were "singer story" and "Fun Video". In order to please the majority of results, i have decided that i will try and do a mix of both, for example have a very loosly structured storyline following a character (the singer), who embarks on a variety of random, fun encounters.

I decided to look into my audience research further by seeing what the demographic is for the various MTV channels, including MTV CLASSIC, which plays the origional "Mr. Blue Sky". These figures are from (broadcasters audience research board) which collect viewing figures of all television channels. I thought it would be useful to look at the music video channels as I am producing a music video, therefore it is a visual text which would be seen on a music channel.

As the figures show, MTV classics has one of the smallest reaches which is to be expected due to MTV's youthful demographic, which contrasts with the ideals of having a classics programme. What this means is that the current coverage of music videos such as Mr. Blue Sky get the smallest audience due to the youthful demographic MTV is aimed at.
What I hope to achieve is by giving "Mr.Blue Sky" a modern, up-to-date music video, it will bump itself into the listings of the MTV demographic, allowing a larger reach for it. By doing so, this will increase the range of my target audience, as the song will appeal to the older generations, however the music video itself will hopefully appeal to the younger generations, therefore creating a mass audience for my music video, and maximising profit margins.

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